Saturday, July 21, 2012

oho Kak Maria !

before this aku ada post pasal blogger+vlogger yang famous tu, kak Maria Elena !! ouh yeah, u know what im sayyingg ? eheh. ouh kak Maria, kak Maria.

i've read one of her post pasal yang dia tak nak la orang expect to much from her. yeah. that's right kak :) but dont worry, im just hoping and im pray to Allah, may Allah helps you in everything you do, bless you and keep you in His Rahmah. InsyaAllah.

alright, watch this man ! Hijab Chill ! her tutorial yang cover your chest ! this is really good man. those yang suka pakai shawl tu kan. you guys should try . you should wear something yang can cover your chest everytime your step out from your house actually. 

Allah said in His Quran.

 “...hendaklah mereka melabuhkan tudung(selendang) mereka ke leher dan dada mereka...” (Surah An-Nur: Ayat 31).

well, you see . NEVER SAY NEVER to scarf that not covering your chest ! :)

oh, kak Maria. glad to see you've been changed. i hope that i get to meet you :) be one of your guest on your wedding day. get to know you more. *maybe? harapan tinggal harapan saja.. mana mungkin kan? *pergh, ayat tak blh blah* biarpun gua duk seremban dekat ngan rumah dkat ngn rumah kak fatin liyana, ceh ,



copyright from mariaelenazarul twitter

May Allah Grant you a good day , great month and have barakah in everything and He will take everything you did as ibadah. InsyaAllah. 

Kurangkan kontroversi, Tingkatkan prestasi ibadah anda ! May Allah pleased you in everything you do !

Assalamualaikum !

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